Exalted Lite/Attribute

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The twelve Attributes replace most of the standard tests in the game. Rather than roll pairs, you just roll the one. Characters do not, by default, have to have a score of 1 in any Attribute - zeros are possible, where a character may pretty much only roll her specialty in dice for certain specific tasks. In fact most Minor Characters may suffer this fate for some stories.

Attributes have maximum ratings as follows:

  • Standard - maximum of equal to permanent [[../Essence|Essence]]
  • Favored - maximum of permanent Essence + 1
  • Prodigal - maximum of permanent Essence * 2
  • Legendary - maximum of (permanent Essence + 1) * 2
  • Celestial - maximum of permanent Essence * 5

The progression to Favored, Prodigal, and Legendary is shown via [[../Merit|Merits]]. Celestial only occurs in certain rare instances outside of the Celestial Exalted.

Tests that involve multiple attributes roll the lower of two (or more) scores. This is most visible in the [[../Art|Arts]].


Noticing things. Mostly Perception, Wits, Investigation, and of course Awareness.


Physical training. Covers some Athletics (lifting weights), some Endurance (versus pain), some Presence (intimidation via muscles) and Resistance. Also Strength and Stamina.


The art of making, repairing and evaluating things. Anything. Covers Craft (duh) some Sail (repairs), some Occult (alchemy, enchanting, some geomancy), and some Survival (building shelters, etc).


As the name. Covers most Performance, some Socialize ('life of the party' stuff), some Presence (seduction), and some Linguistics (poetry and 'expressive writing'). Much charisma and manipulation here.


The art of cooperation and organization. It is strategy in all its forms, as well as working in unison and tactics. It covers the concrete qualities of leadership - knowing what skills work best where, and so on. In this case, it takes up part of the War ability.


Raw knowledge. Covers Lore, most Occult, some Medicine (advanced remedies), most Linguistics and some Socialize (intellectual discussions). Naturally, absorbs intelligence and parts of wits and manipulation.

Language families are described in /Languages.


Understanding of the natural world and things - including humans. Covers most Medicine, some Survival (wilderness knowledge, animal handling), some Investigation, and Ride.


The art of being generally cool. Covers most Athletics, most Endurance, some Sail, and Dodge. In some respects, it is the generiskill. It covers what the rest don't. It mostly takes its nature from Dexterity


The naughty arts. Covers most Investigation, Larceny, Stealth, and lying, bluffing, etc. As such, it absorbs a lot of the Manipulation attribute, some Wits and some Dexterity.


Any action involved in physically attacking someone else, or parrying their attacks. Covers Archery, Brawl, Martial Arts (Sort of), Melee, and Thrown. When dealing with inanimate objects or natural events, Might or Prowess may be more appropriate.