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Revision as of 21:55, 13 June 2006

This is a version of the mplay_server.py file for OpenRPG that enables communities to monitor their activity, mainly for things such as persistant games like NeoDBZ (which the older versino was originally written for). The new version was written for Solar Storms, and is significantly more stable, and has a few other nice features.


  1. It logs chat and tree activity, including whispers.
  2. It has a server-sided dieroller, which has some protections against rollspamming.
  3. It has some minor protections against spamming the chat or forcing scrolling.
  4. It has further anti-cheat and anti-annoyance functionality.
  5. It provides a Roster file that can be used for variosu purposes
  6. It provides a means by which restart times can be set.
  7. It has a ban function, and an add-approved GM function.
    1. It restricts map-use to approved GMs only.
    2. Approved GMs can make rooms with passwords even when passwords are disallowed.
    3. Approved GMs can enter passworded rooms without entering the password.
    4. Only approved GMs may boot from the server, or use the server password.
    5. Approved GMs have boot protection, and do not need to enter a password to boot from room.
    6. Approved GMs are automatically GMed upon entering a room.

Banned players may watch, but they are prevented from speaking, being automatically booted from the room when they try. This includes pseudocreations like making a room, sending a node, or whispering.


I would appreciate it, if you make use of this server, to point other people here so that they may find it, and are aware that they are on a community server and thus are having their activities recorded. Simply make a link to this page in your lobby.html file.

Installation Instructions

You will need to have OpenRPG 1.6.3 installed for this to work, since that is the server it utilizes. A clean installation is best.

Download the file below. After downloading the file, you will need to install it. in the orpg/networking subdirectory of your OpenRPG installation. Typically something like C:\Program Files\OpenRPG\orpg\networking in Windows. You will be asked if you want to overwrite - do so. While this will work, it is not yet fully set up. A few steps need to be taken.

  1. Open the file up, in Windows, use Wordpad, or something else that won't mess up line breaks. Hit Ctrl+F to find 'add_changeme' (without the quotes). Change the 'password' to something else, for people to add things to your roster.
  2. In order to get the server-sided roller to work, you will have to copy the dieroller files over. In your /orpg/dieroller directory, copy utils.py, die.py, and d20.py, and paste them in your networking directory (I did this because I wanted to separate the server and client code)
  3. To make the logs work, you will need to create some empty directories under your base OpenRPG directory. These are
    1. /chatlogs - This logs everything a user does by name and ip address.
    2. /roomlogs - This logs everything done in a room, by room name and hour.
    3. /treelogs - This logs all node transfers. This was installed to track PHB-spamming, for the most part.
  4. Finally, you will want to edit your /myfiles/server_ini.xml file appropriately.
    1. The Community Server no longer needs nor recognizes the <cheat ... > line. You can delete it.
    2. In its place, you will want to add the ip addresses of your GMs and those you have permanently banned. Here is the text of my server_ini file for the Solar Storms server:
  <service port='6774' address='hostname/address' />
  <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
  <message file='myfiles/LobbyMessage.html' />
  <validate_protocol value='true' />
  <autokick silent='no' delay='10080' />
  <version min='0.0.0' />
    <passwords allow='no'/>
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml'/>
    <message file='myfiles/NewMessage.html'/>
  <room name="Character Creation" password="" boot="apple">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/CCRMessage.html' />
  <room name="Arena: Honeycomb" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/HAMessage.html' />
  <room name="Arena: Zeta Reticuli" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/ZRAMessage.html' />
  <room name="Metaplex: Grand Plaza" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/MPMessage.html' />
  <room name="Underplex" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/UPMessage.html' />
  <room name="Port: SDP-17" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/SDPMessage.html' />
  <room name="Infusion Center" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/ICMessage.html' />
  <room name="The North Pole" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/NPMessage.html' />
  <room name="The Eta Assembly" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/TEAMessage.html' />
  <room name="Spring Waterfall" password="" boot="sight">
    <map file='myfiles/Lobby_map.xml' />
    <message file='myfiles/SWMessage.html' />
  <gms gm='' />
  <bans ban='' />

Simply add new ip addresses in single quotes, for example:

<bans ban='' '' />

Adds the latter to the permanently banned list.


Download the modified server file from here.

Usage Instructions

Server-Sided Dieroller

The server-sided dieroller is used much like the regular OpenRPG dieroller, with the main limitation being that powers (the ** operator) are disallowed, for obvious reasons. Only the first such roll on a line is parsed, and it only allows two dieroll strings per { } parsing.

So, where in OpenRPG you would normally roll:


In the Community Server, you type:


You will see your line returned to you. Other players will only see that returned line, not your initial one.

The Roster

add_changeme will add a line of text to the roster. Format it however you like. Typically you'll have some sequence for adding players to the roster.

get_roster - when used by approved gms - gets the roster so far added, sending it to the chat window.

Approved GM functions

GMs should be given the server (lobby) password. They will want to type

/admin set <password>

And will then be using

/admin list


/admin help

to get IPs and the other functions in order to ban players, add temporary gms, and so on.

add_master (ip address) will add said IP address to the GM list, allowing them to use such functions, for example


adds the person at to the GM list.

ban_player (ip address) works in much the same way.

Other Functions

get_days will allow your players to find out how many days have passed since your reset began. You will have to calibrate this yourself, it should be fairly evident but, obviously, requires more coding.
