Homo supernus
Homo supernus is the pinnacle form of biological humanity and the final extension of homo panacea. The 'strain' is labeled beta supernus, however, unlike the alpha strain, it requires an extended period of time in a specially prepared nanite-nanobe bath, to properly reconstruct an adult body and brain. Originally and officially termed the beta strain, undergoing this augmentation is usually referred to as the beta process. Like the alpha strain, adults are capable of reproduction normally. However, unlike homo panacea, they cannot interbreed with normal humanity, and are thus considered an entirely separate species in the scientific sense.
Some call them, along with further enhanced humans and other species who have performed similar levels of augmentation, the heartless. Before the Purge, there were nearly a billion of this strain, and the between the genocidal attempts of the First and others, the numbers are not thought to have changed much over the intervening millennia.
Homo supernus goes far beyond the alpha strain project, with capabilities and endurance that rival the gamma strain, or homo excelsior. It was designed with the following limitations in mind:
- Must be able to grow and thrive without advanced tools in an earthlike biosphere.
- Must be cellular, and capable of true reproduction.
- Form must remain identifiably and aesthetically human.
- The braincase, at least in adults, is a nearly fully independent system, capable of surviving for extremely extended periods in harsh conditions without support from the rest of the body.
- Vastly improved radiation tolerance and recovery.
- The entire circulatory system has been reworked, supplanting the need for a single heart. Rather, an extended musculoarterial network supplies blood (much as it can still be called that) to the body, with no less than twenty separate circulatory systems providing nutrients to the body. It functions in a continuous fashion, with a constant pressure.
- The skeletal structure takes advantage of titanium during growth, and is the eventual replacement for cartilage in homo supernus. Certain minor aspects of joints and other skeletal issues are also resolved, allowing for greater mobility and flexibility.
- Muscle tissue is significantly stronger, capable of easily sustaining several times the strain of ordinary tissue, and can continue to act significantly in up to 30 gees.
- The basic genetic and cellular structure is reworked, allowing the homo supernus to survive and act comfortably in a wider range of temperatures, from the cold void of space to over 350 Kelvin (~80 Celsius). Survival in extreme cold is dependent on the medium, of course - a liquid nitrogen bath of sufficient size will still freeze the body, though not necessarily kill the braincase.
- All neurons have undergone a complete redesign. Their impulses are now more electrical in nature, giving supernus vastly improved reflexes and sensory awareness.
- Senses are far more acute and varied:
- Vision spans parts of the near infrared (~1,050 nm) through near-ultraviolet (200 nm) spectrum. Several additional types of photoreceptors are in use, are denser, and trigger at a much higher frequency. In addition, there is a far greater tolerance for high-intensity light as well as vastly superior night vision, largely due to a restructuring of the eye itself, which can be noted in the somewhat larger iris.
- Hearing is located entirely outside the braincase, though not visibly so. Capable of resolving sounds from 10 hertz to 200 kilohertz, it is significantly more sensitive and rugged than the root strain ear, and capable of passive echolocation.
- The sense of smell is significantly more powerful than a normal human's, and capable of resolving more chemicals with higher accuracy. It is further combined with taste, though primarily for recreational reasons.
- Magnetoception is implanted, mainly consisting of a pair of organs set into the cheekbones near the nose.
- Skin has been augmented as a powerful supplementary sensory organ to all of the above senses:
- Sensing of 'heat' and 'cold' has expanded to a broad full-spectrum ability, from microwaves to x-rays, and is capable of resolving shape and range to a limited degree.
- Tactile sensations are sensitive enough that they are also capable of 'hearing' even allowing basic echolocation of a sort.
- Various chemical receptors in the skin and on 'hair follicles' are used to identify basic chemical properties, such as ph, oxygenation, and so on, along with a few other abilities.
- A limited number of magnetosomes are also present in homo supernus skin cells, supplementing magnetoception.
- A vastly more tolerant biology, in particular of heavy metals - lead is in fact used in the braincase.
- As the person matures, a biologically-grown deuterium fusion generator forms within the braincase. While far weaker and less efficient than ordinary generators, it makes the body far more independent, and many energetic feats would not even be feasible without such an exotic power source.
- Related to the above, the homo supernus body contains mechanisms for filtering and 'breathing' water and hydrogen atmospheres.
- Likewise, the body is capable of withstanding a vast range of pressures, from hard vacuum to well over a kilobar (a thousand times standard atmospheric pressure at sea level).
While the above is only a summary of the differences, it is a good overview of the most important ones. It is also important to note the considerable effort required to raise such an enhanced human.
Eventually, homo supernus was intended to replace homo panacea completely. This development was to occur by the end of the 23rd century, and eventually was applied to nearly a billion individuals before the Purge. The main reason for the 'slow' adoption pace was because it was a resource drain of similar magnitude to humanity's other megaprojects, and a bit of caution in case some problem was discovered later. Greater difficulty in mastering infusions was often cited as just such a problem.
Outside of the variations that never really cease development, homo supernus is 'finished', there being no real room for improvement in the design without either utilizing patterns or exotics. Such enhancements are usually reserved for homo excelsior.
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