Solarian Battles
From Xeriar
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe Solarian Battles are those few space battles that humanity participated in before and during the Purge. These are, in chronological order:
- The Martian Conflict - Mars rebels against the leading powers of Earth, and overtakes the former to create the Solar Consortium.
- The Consortium-Prime War consisted of three battles:
- The Jovian Massacre - Ouranos Prime is made operational, and the Consortium attempts to send a fleet to destroy it. The fleet is obliterated as it passes Jupiter's orbit.
- The Battle of Saturn - the Golden Fleet is completed, and sent to hide in the rings of Saturn to launch an assault, a decoy for the main attack. Forces sent out to intercept this fleet were not available to defend Ouranos Prime.
- The Battle of Ouranos Prime - the main attack used warping technology to fold spacetime itself, depositing the main assault fleet right on top of the superstation. Although the Consortium's forces were overwhelming in numbers, the abilities of the cerevates proved too great to overcome.
- The Contact War, sometimes called the Sirian War. Sensing the destruction of Kennedy Station, an alien fleet used a singulus to drop near Sirius, and commenced destroying everything they could before they were annihilated.
Except for the last conflict, which involved humans defending against a Dyrajt assault force, these all involved years of planning and preparation before their final execution, taking scant minutes to complete once executed. The Martian Conflict and Jovian Massacre were horribly one-sided affairs, while the remaining battles were somewhat more intense, though mankind's victory in the Contact war is obvious in hindsight.
- The Purge - more specifically, the Solarian Purge, was a far more massive affair, dwarfing the previous ones in size and scope. While there were thousands of individual conflicts stretching across the Milky Way. Some notable ones were:
- The Battle of Sol - By far the largest conflict humankind has ever participated in. If the primii are to be believed, it was a titanic struggle the likes of which the Universe had not seen since the Renlai Purge - not even the Soronen put up such a fight.
- The Battle of Centaurus was the largest such conflict outside of the Solar System, and the only extensive victory for humanity.
- The Altairan collapse was the first major defeat of the war, taking minutes by some accounts.
- The Sirian collapse was another such defeat, despite the presence of the Tiamat.
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